Section 1 – Nominating and Elections Committee

A three member Nominating and Elections Committee, selected by the Board of Directors from among the Chorus Members of the Society, shall submit to the president, by April 1st of each year, a slate of nominations for elective office, namely: President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Marshal, Assistant Marshal, Historian, Director and Assistant Director.

Clause A – The slate of nominations from the Committee must include at least one nomination for each elective office.

Clause B – Prior approval shall be obtained from each nominee.

Clause C – The nomination slate shall be submitted to the membership by April 15th of each year.

Clause D – The names of additional nominees will be added to the nomination slate upon the signed support of six or more members provided prior approval has been obtained from each nominee. Any additional nominations must be presented to the president and Nominations and elections Committee prior to May 1st.

Section 2 – Election of Officer Candidates.

An election to select Officer Candidates for each elective office, from the slate of nominations, will be conducted at a regular meeting of Chorus Members on the second Monday of May of each year. If the second Monday meeting is canceled, the election will be held the third Monday.

Clause A – Members in arrears shall forfeit their rights to vote during the period of their delinquency.

Clause B – Chorus Members may request absentee balloting, including electronic mail transmission, by contacting the president.

Clause C – The nominee receiving the largest number of votes for an office shall be declared the Officer Candidate for the respective office. No one may hold more than one elective office simultaneously.

Section 3 – Final Election of Officers.

Consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the annual election of officers will be held at the first meeting of Chorus Members in September of each year. Officer Candidates, elected the previous May, will be nominated for each elective office and each member may vote. If an Officer Candidate position is vacant for any reason, nominations from the membership will be accepted. New officers will begin their duties immediately.

Section 4 – Officers.

Officers of the Society shall consist of the President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Marshal, Assistant Marshal, Historian, Director and Assistant Director. Their duties are:

Clause A – President – The President shall provide leadership and coordination consistent with Society objectives and implementations stated in Article II. The President shall appoint, with the advice of the Board of Directors, Chairpersons and Members of all regular and special committees excepting the Nominations and Elections Committee. The President shall preside at the Annual Election Meeting and at Regular Membership, Board of Directors’ and Special Meetings and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees excepting Nominations and Elections. The President shall serve as liaison with the Luren Auxiliary, and represent the Society to other groups and individuals. With the assistance of the Recording Secretary and Treasurer, the President shall file appropriate reports with Federal and State tax authorities each year.

Clause B – Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the President as requested on special projects or tasks, and shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

Clause C – Corresponding Secretary – The Corresponding Secretary shall complete all correspondence requested by the President and Board of Directors, provide summaries of Society activities and news to NSAA and Sanger-Hilsen, and shall otherwise promote communication with choruses and others who share Society objectives.

Clause D – Recording Secretary – The Recording Secretary shall record minutes of all meetings and provide them to the President, record number of Chorus Members and audience at Society meetings, activities and performances, and maintain all files and records and current membership list with postal and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers.

Clause E – Treasurer – The Treasurer shall manage the funds of the Society and submit complete financial reports in September for the past operating year, provide current financial reports when requested by the Board of Directors or at the Treasurer’s discretion, and receive and disburse funds as approved by the Board of Directors or Chorus Members.

Clause F – Marshal – The Marshal shall coordinate logistics and maintain order at Society meetings, rehearsals, travel, and other activities. In consultation with the Director, President, Concert Sponsor, or local Chorus Members, the Marshal coordinates performance site facilities and chorus logistics and coordinates group travel.

Clause G – Assistant Marshal – The Assistant Marshal assists the Marshal in all responsibilities, and assumes the duties of the Marshal in the Marshal’s absence.

Clause H – Historian – The Historian gathers the following items of historical significance for periodic transfer            to secure archival storage. The Norwegian American Museum, Vesterheim, in Decorah, Iowa maintains the   Luren Singing Society archives. At the end of each operating year (August 31), the following will be given to           the Vesterheim registrar:

  • A roster of Luren members as supplied by the Recording Secretary
  • A program of all Luren concerts.
  • A copy of each Sanger-Hilsen.
  • An updated group picture, if available, that contains both the date taken and the identification of those pictured.
  • A sequential list of Society activities by date as listed on the Society website.

Additional duties:

– Validate with the Decorah Newspapers that local newspaper clippings have been microfilmed.

– Present to the Board of Directors for action any gifts or official correspondence received by the Society not   wanted by Vesterheim.

Clause I – Director – The Director shall serve as the Chorus Director, conducting the Luren Singing Society             chorus at rehearsals and performances. Other responsibilities may include music review and recommendation,   chorus instruction and training, recommending accompanist candidates, securing guest artists, and coordination    of joint performances.

Clause J – Assistant Director – The Assistant Director shal1 serve as the Chorus Director in the absence of the       Director and will chair the Music Committee. The Director will call upon the Assistant Director to assist with     sectional rehearsals and when mutually agreed upon, to direct selected music.

Section 6 – Vacancies – If any office becomes vacant, the Board or Directors may appoint qualified persons to     the vacant office for the remainder of the term.