At our next rehearsal, Feb 3rd, we will rehearse in the Decorah High School Choir room:
Before rehearsal – please turn in these songs. Folders will be placed on chairs in the back row. Put them in the following order to expedite the process. Keep Jesus Loves Me in your folders; do not turn it in.
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming |
O Magnum Mysterium |
Jul, jul, strålande jul |
Shepherds, Shake off your Drowsy Sleep |
Masters in this Hall |
Jeg er så glad |
Her kommer dine arma små |
Cradle Hymn |
The First Noel |
De Mornin’ Come |
Glade Jul |
Child of God |
6:30 PM – We will rehearse the following pieces:
Sangerhilsen – verses 1 and 3 (Click the triangle in the bar below) |
Let There Be Music |
Forever King! |
Until I Reach My Home |
Maj- sang |
The Road Home |
Jeg lagde mig saa sildig |
Worthy to Be Praised |
Shout to God |
Aftensang |
(Click on the name of each underlined song to play it from youtube. (Some have commercials. Just be patient or click on ‘Skip Ads’) Songs that aren’t underlined have individual instructions and audio players.)
(The following songs are part of our folders.)
O Love
God of Grace and God of Glory
The Sound of Silence
Barndomsminne fra Nordland
If Music Be the Food of Love
Jeg lagde mig så sildig
Aftensang – Legendary Voices of Luren CD (Click the triangle in the bar below)
The rest of these songs (in alphabetical order) are not needed in your folders currently:
Antiphon (#5 in the Ralph Vaughan Williams – Five Mystical Songs
Cindy (the way Luren does it) (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Hard Times Come Again No More
Jesus Loves Me (Click the triangle in the bar below)
The Mansions of the Lord (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Norges Fjeld – verses 1 and 3 (Click the triangle in the bar below)
O God Beyond All Praising
Pål sine hønur by Knut Nystedt
Per Spelman (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Psalm 24 – From 1985 recording, Dave Judisch soloist (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Thou Art Holy
Vuelie (in A) (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Vuelie (in A) -15 (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Vuelie (in A) -20 (Click the triangle in the bar below)
Click the triangle in the bar below for a ‘trick recording’ of ‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken’ in the key of G so you can sing along with it. (It is the women singing like we do 🙂 )
Wana Baraka
Wana Baraka choreography
Wana Baraka – no movement
Alleluya – no movement
Wana amani – R+L+
Alleluya – R+L+
Wana furaha – no movement
Alleluya – Stomp right foot on beat 1
Wana azima – no movement
Alleluya – R+L+